Our Distinguished Board of Advisors
Associate Dean Susana Alemán
Secretary, BOA Executive Committee
The University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
Ms. Kristie Brasfield
Director, Office of Minority Affairs
State Bar of Texas
Austin, TX
Mr. Rueben Cásarez
Senior Counsel, Wells Fargo Bank
Houston, TX
Mr. Charles Cervantes
Director of Legal Affairs
United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce
Washington, DC
The Honorable Henry Cuellar, Ph.D.
Austin, TX
Professor Julia Curry-Rodriguez
Executive Secretary
National Association of Chicano Chicana Studies
The Honorable Lloyd Doggett
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC
Ms. Kathleen Doria
Independent Consultant
San Antonio, TX
The Honorable Elizabeth Flores
Laredo, TX
Professor Luis Fraga
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
The Honorable Sylvia Garcia
Texas State Senator
Houston, TX
Mr. Jose Garza
Attorney At Law
McAllen, TX
Professor Jack Getman
Vice Chair, BOA Executive Committee
The University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
Mr. Jim Harrington
Legal Director, TX Civil Rights Project
Austin, TX
Mr. Victor Hernandez
Attorney At Law
Lubbock, TX
Dr. Andy Hernandez
Professor, St. Mary's University
San Antonio, TX
Professor Terri LeClercq
Chair, BOA Executive Committee
University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
Professor Jose Limon
Executive Director
Center for Mexican American Studies
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX
Professor Frank Rene Lopez
Texas Tech School of Law
Lubbock, TX
Mr. James Martinez
Mounce, Green, Myers, Safi & Galatzan, PC
El Paso, TX
Professor Rachel Moran
University of California School of Law
Boalt Hall
Berkeley, CA
Mr. Mark Perez
Attorney At Law
Dallas, TX
Ms. Eva Ramos
Skelton, Woody & Arnold
Austin, TX
Dr. Barbara Robles
LBJ School of Public Affairs
Austin, TX
Mr. Eduardo Rodriguez
Rodriguez, Colvin & Chaney, LLP
Brownsville, TX
Mr. Nicolas Shumway
Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX
Mr. Jesus Sifuentes
Casey, Gentz & Sifuentes, LLP
Austin, TX
Mr. Alfonso Soto
Attorney At Law
El Paso, TX
Professor Gerald Torres
The University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
Dr. William Weaver
Associate Professor
The University of Texas El Paso
El Paso, TX